Subtitle Fails That Will Make You Question Your Sanity

Are you tired of watching movies or TV shows with boring and inaccurate subtitles? Do you want to add some humor to your viewing experience? Look no further than these subtitle fails that will make you question your sanity.

At TrollSubs, we specialize in creating fake subtitles that are both hilarious and ridiculous. Our team of writers and editors work tirelessly to come up with the most outrageous and absurd subtitles that will leave you laughing out loud.

Here are some of our favorite subtitle fails that are sure to make you question your sanity:

1. The Literal Translation Fail

Have you ever watched a foreign film with subtitles that were so literal, they made no sense? We have, and we've turned it into a hilarious fail. Take, for example, this subtitle fail from a Japanese horror movie:

Literal Translation Fail

Not only is the translation literal, but it's also completely nonsensical. Who knew that ghosts had a thing for soy sauce?

2. The Misspelling Fail

Spelling mistakes can be embarrassing, but they can also be hilarious. We've taken advantage of this by creating subtitle fails that are full of misspellings. Check out this fail from a popular TV show:

Misspelling Fail

We're not sure what a "couch" is, but we're pretty sure it's not what they meant to say.

3. The Wrong Language Fail

Have you ever watched a movie with subtitles in the wrong language? It can be confusing and frustrating, but we've turned it into a fail that will make you laugh. Take a look at this fail from a French film:

Wrong Language Fail

We're not sure what language this is, but it's definitely not French.

4. The Overly Descriptive Fail

Sometimes, subtitles can be too descriptive. We've taken this to the extreme by creating subtitle fails that are overly descriptive and completely unnecessary. Check out this fail from a sci-fi movie:

Overly Descriptive Fail

Thanks for letting us know that the spaceship is flying. We never would have guessed.

5. The Inappropriate Translation Fail

Translation fails can be embarrassing, but they can also be inappropriate. We've taken advantage of this by creating subtitle fails that are completely inappropriate and hilarious. Check out this fail from a romantic comedy:

Inappropriate Translation Fail

We're not sure what kind of "love" they're talking about, but it's definitely not the kind we want to see in a romantic comedy.

6. The Random Word Fail

Sometimes, subtitles can include random words that make no sense. We've turned this into a fail that will leave you scratching your head. Check out this fail from a crime drama:

Random Word Fail

We're not sure what "banana" has to do with anything, but we're definitely intrigued.

7. The Missing Word Fail

Missing words in subtitles can be confusing, but they can also be hilarious. We've taken advantage of this by creating subtitle fails that are missing crucial words. Check out this fail from a horror movie:

Missing Word Fail

We're not sure what they're trying to say, but it's definitely not good.

8. The Wrong Name Fail

Getting someone's name wrong can be embarrassing, but it can also be hilarious. We've taken advantage of this by creating subtitle fails that get names completely wrong. Check out this fail from a historical drama:

Wrong Name Fail

We're pretty sure that's not how you spell "Cleopatra."

9. The Misheard Dialogue Fail

Mishearing dialogue can be frustrating, but it can also be hilarious. We've taken advantage of this by creating subtitle fails that mishear dialogue in the most ridiculous ways. Check out this fail from a comedy:

Misheard Dialogue Fail

We're not sure what they're hearing, but it's definitely not what they're saying.

10. The Gibberish Fail

Sometimes, subtitles can be complete gibberish. We've turned this into a fail that will leave you scratching your head. Check out this fail from an action movie:

Gibberish Fail

We're not sure what language this is, but it's definitely not English.


At TrollSubs, we believe that subtitles don't have to be boring or accurate. We've taken advantage of the many ways that subtitles can fail and turned them into hilarious and ridiculous fails that will make you question your sanity. So the next time you're watching a movie or TV show, why not add some humor to your viewing experience with our fake subtitles? You won't regret it.

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed