The Dos and Don'ts of Making Troll Subtitles

Are you tired of watching movies and TV shows with the same old boring subtitles? Do you want to add some humor and spice to your viewing experience? Well, look no further than! Our site is dedicated to helping you create hilarious and fake subtitles that will have you and your friends laughing for hours.

But before you dive headfirst into the world of troll subtitles, there are some important dos and don'ts that you need to keep in mind. In this article, we'll go over the basics of making troll subtitles and give you some tips and tricks to make sure your subtitles are as funny as possible.

The Dos

Do Keep It Short and Sweet

One of the most important things to remember when making troll subtitles is to keep them short and sweet. Long, drawn-out jokes are not only unfunny, but they also take away from the viewing experience. Instead, focus on quick, witty one-liners that will make your audience laugh without distracting them from the movie or show.

Do Match the Tone of the Movie or Show

Another important thing to keep in mind when making troll subtitles is to match the tone of the movie or show. If you're watching a serious drama, for example, you don't want to add silly, slapstick humor that will take away from the emotional impact of the scene. Instead, focus on humor that is in line with the tone of the movie or show.

Do Use Puns and Wordplay

Puns and wordplay are a great way to add humor to your troll subtitles. They're quick, clever, and often unexpected, which makes them perfect for trolling your friends. Just make sure that your puns and wordplay are actually funny and not just forced or cringeworthy.

Do Be Creative

The key to making great troll subtitles is to be creative. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and come up with unique and unexpected jokes. The more creative you are, the more likely your subtitles are to stand out and make people laugh.

Do Test Your Subtitles

Before you share your troll subtitles with the world, make sure to test them out on a few friends or family members. This will give you a good idea of whether or not your subtitles are actually funny and will help you make any necessary tweaks or changes.

The Don'ts

Don't Be Offensive

While troll subtitles are meant to be funny, it's important to remember that there is a line between humor and offensiveness. Avoid making jokes that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive. Not only are these types of jokes hurtful, but they're also not funny.

Don't Overdo It

Another important thing to remember when making troll subtitles is to not overdo it. Too many jokes or subtitles can be overwhelming and take away from the viewing experience. Instead, focus on a few well-placed jokes that will make your audience laugh without distracting them from the movie or show.

Don't Use Inside Jokes

Inside jokes are great for making your friends laugh, but they're not so great for troll subtitles. Remember that your subtitles will be seen by a wide audience, not just your close friends. Avoid using inside jokes or references that only a select few people will understand.

Don't Use Poor Grammar or Spelling

While troll subtitles are meant to be funny, that doesn't mean you should sacrifice proper grammar and spelling. Poorly written subtitles are not only unfunny, but they also make you look unprofessional. Make sure to proofread your subtitles before sharing them with the world.

Don't Steal Other People's Jokes

Finally, it's important to remember that stealing other people's jokes is not only unethical, but it's also not funny. If you see a funny joke or subtitle online, don't just copy and paste it into your own subtitles. Instead, use it as inspiration to come up with your own unique and creative jokes.


Making troll subtitles can be a fun and creative way to add humor to your viewing experience. Just remember to keep it short and sweet, match the tone of the movie or show, use puns and wordplay, be creative, and test your subtitles before sharing them with the world. And most importantly, don't be offensive, don't overdo it, don't use inside jokes, don't use poor grammar or spelling, and don't steal other people's jokes.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to and start making some hilarious and fake subtitles today!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed